Offset Quality

The C3 Program generates high-quality offsets because it has a detailed Monitoring and Verification plan, clearly addresses additionality, and requires third-party verification.

Monitoring and Verification Plan

The Program’s detailed Monitoring and Verification plan clearly outlines how offsets are generated, who owns the offsets, and how offsets are calculated.


Since offsets are used to compensate for emission reductions that an entity would otherwise make itself, the reductions resulting from offset projects must be shown to be “in addition to” reductions that may have occurred without offset incentive payments. In order for an offset project to be considered additional, the revenue from selling the project’s emission reductions should incentivize the project’s implementation. This concept is known as ‘additionality’.

SCM concrete is still gaining acceptance in the market, and concrete producers are hesitant to use SCMs at elevated levels. By providing a monetary incentive, participants are willing to participate in C3 and use larger amounts of SCMs than they would otherwise. The Program addresses additionality by establishing a sliding baseline for each participant based on historical data, to ensure that SCM usage during program participation replaces portland cement at a higher percentage than business-as-usual.

Third-Party Verification

The Program requires that all processes and documentation be reviewed by an independent third-party verifier to ensure only high-quality, third-party verified offsets are generated.

Please contact us for more information on Program exclusions required to maintain high offset quality.